Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Gasoline prices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Gasoline prices - Essay Example Many insist that drilling is a possible fix to high gasoline prices. The fact is, this will never actually be true. Oil, and thus gasoline, is a finite resource, and on one seriously argues otherwise: there is a time that we will run out, and some theorists insist that the world has already reached peak oil (Carlson). Yet demand continues to increase because of a larger and larger world population that requires more and more oil to function, especially as markets such as China and India develop and more people in those places begin driving cars. Thus, if one examines the rules of supply and demand, an increasing demand and a finite supply will always eventually lead to price increases – a temporary increase in supply may alleviate prices to a small degree, but even this may be minimal because speculators will always be able to buy high and sell higher, as the world supply is still known to be finite. The only way to actually reduce gasoline prices is to reduce dependency †“ reduce demand, because supply is something that is impossible to control. This can be done through electric cars, alternative fuels, and conservation, eventually building towards a society that does not rely on oil at all, because we know it will eventually run out. The myth that a temporary increase in supply is good for gasoline prices simply does not hold true. Quick fixes like this will never work – in order to really address this problem, we need to fundamentally change the way we consume oil. Carlson, Robert. "World Oil Production via Hubbert Linearization of Production and Normalizations of ProductionWorld Oil Production via Hubbert Linearization of Production and Normalizations of Production."  Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Compare and contrast the difficulties International Maritime Essay

Compare and contrast the difficulties International Maritime Organisation (IMO) have faced and develop scenarios explaining why working at international level is a comprimise - Essay Example Through a process of closely coordinated efforts of its designated committees and subcommittees, it is responsible for rendering professionalized services in all safety aspects of maritime This also applies to the context of technical consultations and special problem solving, where the necessity of expert consultations are also required. Due to administrative and procedural delays, there are many aspects of marine endangerment which continue to plague international sea trade. These problems are difficult to contain even for a multinational agency under the aegis of United Nations Organisation. One underlying aspect that needs to be understood is that while the IMO is a regulatory body that adopts law making, it is for the individual countries to implement the proposed laws by changing their respective legislatures to accommodate the IMO directives. If this is not forthcoming, the very purpose of initiating laws would seem to be an exercise in futility. â€Å"The problem is that some countries lack the expertise, experience and resources necessary to do this properly. Others perhaps put enforcement fairly low down their list of priorities.† (International Maritime Organization, Frequently asked questions) The IMO was operationalized in 1959, within a minimum of 21 member states, but as of now, there are 167 Member States and 3 Associate Members. (IMO Member States 2002).Several governmental and non-governmental agencies (NGOs) also contribute immensely to the overall functioning of the IMO. It is constantly endeavouring for enhancing the safety and security aspects of movements on the high seas, especially in the modern era of international terrorism and oceanic piracy. The responsible role it now plays in world oceanic trade as an independent institution  is very commendable, and it is now believed to be one of the most useful, effective and progressive agencies of the United Nations Organisation. The importance of the performance